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E-ISSN : 2148-9696
Crescent Journal of
Medical and Biological Sciences
Jan 2019, Vol 6, Issue 1
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Original Article
Male Contraceptive Methods: Prevalence, Trend, and Associated Socioeconomic Factors
Fateme Modiri1, Ali Rahimi1
1Department of Family Studies, National Population Studies, and Comprehensive Management Institute

CJMB 2019; 6: 024-030

Viewed : 3391 times
Downloaded : 3095 times.

Keywords : Family planning, Male and female contraceptive methods, Theory of modernity
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Objectives: In recent years, using male contraceptive methods has exceeded those of the female in several societies due to the increasing involvement of men in family planning. Hence, the present study divided the contraceptive methods into male and female methods and examined the prevalence, trend, and socioeconomic factors associated with using male methods.

Materials and Methods: The population of this cross-sectional survey included all married men and women in Tehran out of whom 1272 samples with a 49-year-old woman or younger in their households were selected by the multistage cluster sampling technique. Data were analyzed by Cramer"s V, phi and logistic regression tests using SPSS version 21.

Results: Based on the results, about three-fourths of the families in Tehran used male contraceptive methods. In addition, the results revealed that using male contraceptive methods has increased over the last 2 decades. In other words, using a condom, as a contraceptive method, increased among the married men while withdrawal decreased. Multivariate analysis indicated that the use of male contraceptive methods was more prevalent among younger, more educated, as well as less religious people and those with egalitarian gender attitudes.

Conclusions: Generally speaking, knowledge of failure rate of male contraceptive methods, teaching the side-effects of female methods, and greater familiarity of families with emergency contraceptive pills are essential.


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